The Aurory team is composed of dozens of talents from the gaming and employees from cryptocurrency industries. With former experiences in studios like Ubisoft, Electronic Arts and other reputable companies, we are proud to have one of the most experienced teams in the whole play-to-earn ecosystem.
Leadership Team
Yann Penno
Executive Director, Art Director
13 years of experience - Worked for multiple Indie Studios
Paul V.
Head of Operations/Partnerships
4 years of experience
Jonathan Campeau
Head of Production/Executive Producer
19 years of experience - Worked at Ubisoft, EA, Gameloft, Minority
Stephan Carmignani
Creative Director
22 years of XP - Worked for Infogrames/Atari, Ubisoft, Eidos, EA, Warner bros games, Minority, Rovio
Manish Ramloll
Art Director UI/UX
15 years of experience - Worked for Ludia - Moment Factory
Claire Mini
Assistant Art Director - Characters
11 years of experience
Claire Deberle
Lead Animator
11 years of experience - Worked at Ubisoft
Félix-Antoine Dupéré
Associate Producer - Art
4 years of experience - Worked at Spearhead Games, Behaviour Interactive and Mooncube Games
Edwig Jang
Concept Artist
6 years of experience - Worked at Clever Plays, triotech amusement, Carpediem films,Singing frog
Keith Ebanks
Lead Character Artist
7 years of experience
Gregory Paire
Senior UI/IX Artist
12 years of experience
Joseph Chataigner
UI/UX Artist
Tigran Akopian
Senior Tech. Anim / Rigger
18 years of experience - Worked at Ubisoft, Eidos, Behaviour
Stephane Meury
Concept Artist
5 years of experience - Apelab, Triotech,Singing Frog
Thomas Destugues
Senior Animator
13 years of experience - Worked at Ubisoft, Ludia
Sarah Gehrig
Senior Animator
13 years experience - worked at Ubisoft and Motive
Tobias Paice
Audio Director
15 years XP, Worked for Google Stadia, Typhoon, Minority, Warner Bros Games and EA.
Raphaëlle Côté
Environment Art Director
6 years of experience, Worked at Minority and Ubisoft Montréal
Alexandre Gendron
Music Composer
7 years of experience - Worked at Mooncube Games and Vibe Avenue
Simon Lallemand
Environment Artist
15 years of experience - Worked at Ubisoft, Gameloft
Cedric Segales
Senior VFX Artist
11 years of experience
Maxime Vigneault
3D Modeler
6 years of experience at Ubisoft
Bastien Lerivray
Senior VFX Artist
Jean-Sebastien Pepin
3D Modeler
6 years of experience - Worked at Gameloft
Dylan Howell
3D Modeler
Maxime Ciccotti
Lead Game Designer
Nicolas Vidil
Lead Unity Engineer
Grégoire Gicquel
Unity Engineer
6 years of XP, Oneiric Tales, Spiders
Troy Toutikian
Level Artist
Lucky Hammers and Ironbelly Studios
Adel El Ghazi
Game & Economy Designer
Julien Prince
Level Designer
13 years of experience - Worked for Ubisoft and Warner Studio
Yann Martinez
3D Modeler
Sacha Persat
Technical Game Designer
8 years of experience - Worked for Ubisoft, Darkworks, Minority
Minh-Mily Nguyen
Level Artist / Level Designer
5 years of experience - Spearhead Games
Jonathan T
Technical Director - Services
7 years of experience
Julien Pellet
Technical Director - Infra
16 years of experience - Ex SRE Lead for Rainbow Six Siege at Ubisoft
Mitchel Kelonye
Lead Front End Engineer
14 years of experience - Ex Synthetix, Toggl
Jerome Barnoin
Senior Backend Engineer
Vincent Paquette
Senior Gameplay Engineer
15 years of experience at Behaviour / Electronic Arts
Bugra S
Front End Engineer
9 yrs of experience - Ex at TOKIGAMES
Frantz Kati
Front End Engineer
8 yrs of fullstack experience.
Binfeng Ke
Dev QA
Grégoire Gicquel
Gameplay Engineer
5 years of experience - Oneiric Tales
Marvin Polette
Gameplay Engineer
8 years of experience - The good drive, Oneiric Tales
Baptiste Lloret
UI Programmer
1.5 years of experience - Oneiric Tales
Frederic Portaria-Janicki
Senior Infrastructure Engineer / Senior Software Engineer
9 years of Experience
Wendell Aurory
Senior Backend Engineer
Patricio Rodriguez
Backend Engineer
Matt Aurory
Marketing and Operations
Michael Natoli
Marketing and Operations
Tim Gindrey
Marketing and Operations
James Dean
SFX Audio
Javier Moreno
Senior Backend Engineer
Maryse Duckett
Senior 3D Artist / Level artist
6 years of experiences - worked for Ubisoft and for indies
Nick Ciesinski
Product Manager Web3
Yat-Chi Lau
Product Manager Gameplay